I'm going to be hanging with @joshuakgoldberg on their stream this Tuesday. We're going to be building out some custom ESLint rules to learn more about how ESLint works under the hood.
🙌 @nickytonline and I are going to pair on writing custom @geteslint rules!
— Josh Goldberg 🦩🍍✨ (@JoshuaKGoldberg) March 31, 2023
This is very nifty stuff. ESLint rules can catch subtle bugs before you run code. Writing custom app/team-specific ones can help your dev out like you wouldn't believe.
✨ https://t.co/SWu8frc2Us ✨ pic.twitter.com/V4eVP0gJbO
Josh is a maintainer of the typescript-eslint project, so he knows a thing or two about ESLint. 😎
The https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint repository on GitHubWhat are some things that you'd like to know more about in regard to ESLint for JavaScript or TypeScript?
Drop your questions here and start the discussion and/or join us on Josh's Twitch stream this Tuesday, April 4th at 6:30 pm UTC (2:30 pm Eastern)!