Hacktoberfest 2022 is almost upon us!
Whether you are new to Hacktoberfest or a seasoned veteran, welcome!
If you're new to Hacktoberfest or open source, don't fret! The community is here to support you! Worried about that first pull request (PR)? I was, too, when I first started contributing to open source. Turns out my first PR wasn't that great, but that's OK!
Hacktoberfest is coming up! If you're new to open source, it can be stressful. Your first PR might not be amazing, and that's OK.
— Nick Taylor (@nickytonline) September 23, 2022
Here's my first not so amamzing PR, https://t.co/v8Jy2z1dyR. #Hacktoberfest2022
Whether you're new or not, I have you covered. I gave a talk in 2020 for Digital Ocean that is for maintainers and contributors, including first-time contributors.
I talk about conventional comments in that talk. If you're curious, I also gave a lightning talk about them.
My Virtual Coffee community also did a great Preptember stream that you should check out!
@eddiejaoude ran a great Twitter Space today with folks contributing lots of great tips for open source and Hacktoberfest. Check it out!
Remember to be kind to maintainers and fellow contributors. Now go have fun and contribute!
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash