Shout out to @rhymes for giving this post a review. 👏
Before the codebase was opensourced, I was working on it in the private repository and created an issue in there that has since been copied to the public repository (thanks @maestromac!).
The repository on GitHubFor those new to types, here's a post from Preethi Kasireddy about types.
Why use static types in JavaScript? (Part 1)
- #javascript
- #types
- #flow
Also, here's a fairly recent episode from the Script and Style podcast about types in JavaScript, Static Typing for JavaScript.
TypeScript permalink
I'm partial to TypeScript myself. I've written about it here before.
Consider Using TypeScript
- #typescript
There appears to be a shift towards TypeScript for those that are interested in types. I wrote a bit about it here
Is 2019 the year of TypeScript?
- #discuss
- #typescript
- #javascript
- #flow
There is also a great episode on the React Podcast that talks about TypeScript with Jared Palmer.
I love chatting with @jaredpalmer about hyped technologies.
— chantastic is automated (@chantastic) March 28, 2019
He's pragmatic, considered, and methodical when exploring new tech.
If you want to successfully explore @typescriptlang in your React apps, this is a great place to start.
Take TypeScript for a spin in one of the playgrounds:
- Unofficial Playground
An Enhanced TypeScript Playground
- #typescript
Flow permalink
Flow is another option in the frontend in regards to types, although I've never used it myself.
Here are some links if you want to read up on Flow.
- Writing Better JavaScript with Flow
- An Introduction to Flow
- Flow: A Static Type Checker for JavaScript
- I honestly did not really find many posts on about Flow, but feel free to check out the flowtype tag.
Take Flow for a spin in the Flow REPL
Other Options
I've narrowed it down to TypeScript and Flow as they are the most popular, but feel free to bring others to the table to discuss, e.g. Elm, Reason. (Thanks for chiming in on Twitter @magellol!)
Nice. I think It would also be interesting to mention how Elm and possibly Reason compare to TS as well. I've been looking at Elm these days and I feel resources are much lighter.
— Thomas Lefebvre (@thomlbvr) April 8, 2019
Vanilla JS🍦 permalink
If you really don't want to see the codebase converted to use types, that's OK too.
Are static types something that would interest people in the community who are contributing to or are thinking about contributing to the frontend codebase? Feel free to discuss in the comments here and/or jump on over to the GitHub issue and comment there.